Bar Catering Algarve

Algarve bar catering

Reasonable Adaptations Policy


Southside Bartending seeks to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates to follow the education and examination processes in a way that does not place them at a disadvantage, or advantage over other candidates.

Reasonable adjustments will not give an unfair advantage over candidates for whom reasonable adjustments are not being made, nor will they affect the reliability and validity of the assessment results as detailed in the applicable Specification.

Reasonable adjustments may involve:

  • Changing the standard assessment modalities, e.g. giving applicants additional time to complete the assessment activity.
  • Adaptation of evaluation materials, such as providing materials in large text format.
  • Provide access facilitators during the evaluation, such as a sign language interpreter or reader.
  • Reorganize the evaluation room, such as removing visual stimuli for an autistic candidate.

Applying for a reasonable adjustment

The application must be made at the time of the candidate’s registration describing any special needs that may require a reasonable adjustment at the time of the examination using the Reasonable Adjustment Request Form. This must be completed six (6) weeks before the course begins.

This application will be submitted to the WSET Examination Manager. Southside Bartending  does not have the possibility to approve or refuse the Reasonable Adjustment Request.

As WSET’s Approved Program Provider (APP), you will only conduct this application to WSET, which will decide on the applicant’s application. Therefore, the Reasonable Adjustment Request must be accompanied by evidence.

Applicants and their advisors should be aware that it is not appropriate to make requests when the candidate’s particular difficulty directly affects performance in the attributes that are the focus of the assessment. Southside Bartending is committed to keeping records of such requests.

+(351) 915 319 946


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