Bar Catering Algarve

Algarve bar catering

Complaints policy


Southside Bartending aims to provide a level of service of excellence to its trainees. Although every care is taken to ensure high quality standards, there may be occasions when we fall short of expectations. Wherever this is the case, we would like to have the opportunity to improve our service, listening and responding, taking the necessary measures to correct mistakes and prevent them from happening again.

Aim and purpose of the policy

Southside Bartending is committed to providing trainees directly affected by our services with the opportunity to give their opinion on whether or not the standards have been met. Our clients must be confident that they will be heard, so all comments received will be acknowledged.

Definition of a complaint

Any manifestation of disagreement with Southside Bartending or of dissatisfaction with the services provided by it, as well as any allegation of possible non-fulfilment by the students, is considered to be a complaint.

The concept of complaint does not include declarations that are part of the contractual negotiation process, requests for fulfilment of legal or contractual duties and any requests for information or clarification.

Who can make a complaint?

Complaints may be filed by any person – regardless of their natural or legal nature, age, nationality or residence, or anyone acting on behalf of the affected person (referred to as a third party).

Third parties making a complaint on behalf of the complainant may only do so with written authorisation to represent the complainant and his interests. This must be submitted Southside Bartending and accepted by it. 

Informal complaint

We recognise that most dissatisfied people will want a problem addressed as quickly as possible; an informal approach may therefore be the most appropriate. The informal approach aims to resolve the concern quickly, keep matters secret and allow mediation between the complainant and the individual to whom the complaint has been addressed.

To initiate the process, the complainant should contact Southside Bartending for an informal discussion, in response to which we will seek to resolve the concern by providing an explanation, an apology or other desirable outcome.

If a concern cannot be resolved informally in a satisfactory manner, the formal complaints procedure should be followed. More information may be needed to ensure that the complaint is fully understood, thoroughly investigated and a comprehensive response given.

Formal complaint

Your complaint should be submitted in writing by email to: or by post:

Jaime Twissell Montgomery

Southside Bartending

Casa 1015 Cx 545Z Medronhal, Sta barbara nexe

8008-502 Faro


We are committed to handling your complaint without any discrimination or prejudice. Please note that your complaint will be confidential and if your complaint is on behalf of someone else, we must know that you have their permission before we can proceed.

Please provide us with your contact details (full address, email address, telephone number), specific details of the complaint and any supporting evidence you may have or details of any previous attempts you have made to resolve your complaint.

We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days and try to send you a final reply within 20 working days from the date you lodged the complaint with us. If we are unable to give you a final reply within this time limit, we will send you an update explaining why and advising you when you can expect a final reply.

If the response received is not satisfactory, you can complain to WSET’s Quality Assurance team about the (APP) – Southside Bartendingat

Right of non-admission of complaint

Southside Bartending reserves the right not to admit the complaint, under the terms of the regulations in force, whenever:

  1. Essential data which make their management impossible and which have not been properly corrected are omitted.
  2. They reiterate complaints that are filed by the same complainant in relation to the same matter and that have already been answered by the entity to which they are addressed.
  3. The complaint has not been made in good faith or its content is qualified as vexatious.
  4. Whenever you become aware that the subject matter of a complaint is pending settlement by arbitral or judicial bodies, you may refrain from continuing the process of handling the complaint.

+(351) 915 319 946


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